Determining an 项’s 分类 under the Export Administration Regulations (耳朵) or the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) may be the trickiest aspect of the entire exporting process. It’s also arguably the most important; you can’t determine whether an export license is needed until you’ve properly classified the 项.

下面是该过程的高级概述, 加上一些通过来之不易的经验学到的细微之处. It’s intended to offer a basic approach to 项 分类 for people who are on a new learning curve in export compliance.

为了更深入地了解这个过程,ECTI课程The Ultimate Guide to 分类: Basics, New Advancements, 和 Expert Tips可能会有帮助.



即使在国际贸易领域,"分类可以有不同的意思. 当皇冠365官方app使用它的时候, we’re talking specifically about determining whether an 项 is on the United States Munitions List (USML), in which case it falls under jurisdiction of the ITAR; or if it’s on the Commerce Control List (创新领导力) 和 is therefore under jurisdiction of the 耳朵.

An 项 can’t appear on both lists; it’s one or the other. 如果它在其中一个列表上, 它将被注释为导出它必须满足的条件.

An “并不总是指物理对象. 它可以是以下任何一种情况:

  • 一个组件
  • 成品
  • 软件
  • 一个服务
  • 一个技术

商品分类对任何在美国从事出口的人都很重要. It’s irrelevant whether an 项 was made in another country; as soon as it arrives 在美国nited States, 它受美国法律的约束.S. 出口管制.

进一步, it applies to anyone outside the United States who reexports or transfers anything that is subject to U.S. 管辖权——即使它从未触及美国法律.S. 土壤.

What makes this process difficult is that the variety of export 项s is so broad that no list can cover them all. The 耳朵 doesn’t even make an attempt; its catch-all 耳朵99 分类 is reserved for 项s that don’t appear anywhere else. So it’s often necessary to figure out how an 项 ISN’T classified in order to deduce its correct 分类.


1. 收集信息

A description of the 项, how it’s used 和 who uses it are central to classifying it. 它是一个最终项目(系统)吗, 设备, or assembled object that is ready for use such as an airplane) or is it used as part of a larger assembly? 它用于军事用途吗? 什么类型的人或组织购买它, 他们是自己转售还是用来做别的东西?

This kind of information is often found in readily available resources such as websites, 营销手册和数据表.

If the 项 is purchased from a third party, that entity may already know its 分类. 但重要的是要明白,如果你要导出一个项目, you’re on the hook for classifying it accurately 和 obtaining an export license if needed. So information from the original supplier should be reviewed carefully 和 with healthy skepticism.

2. 按照审查的顺序

Both the ITAR 和 the 耳朵 provide their own recommended processes for classifying 项s. 它总是以USML开头. 如果一个项目被列在那里,它就受ITAR的约束. You’ll follow the suggested order of review for the ITAR, which can be found in §120.11.

如果它不在USML上, 查找创新领导力并按照耳朵的审查顺序进行, 这是在 补充不. 第4至第774部分. The Bureau of Industry 和 Security (国际清算银行), which administers the 耳朵, also provides an 在线决策支持工具 以帮助浏览耳朵的审查顺序.

ECTI提供免费下载 快速参考流程图 就《皇冠365官方app》及《皇冠365官方app》的覆核顺序. [For more information about 分类 under the 耳朵, see related blog post: 导航耳朵出口分类.]

3. 寻找并发症

After assessing the order of review, there are other considerations in 分类. 这些包括:

ITAR透视规则 -有时也被称为“ITAR污染”.这个规则,可以在 §120.11(c), states that an 项 on the USML remains subject to the ITAR even if it is incorporated into something else.

耳朵的工作方式不同. 耳朵试图对组装的物品进行分类 通常不会为这些元素的组成而烦恼.

但也有例外. 例如, encryption technology that’s built into a product may cause a shift in the product’s 分类 (和 potentially require an export license) even though it’s only one aspect of the product’s functionality. [参见相关文章: 许可证例外ENC和加密的复杂性.]

买方和最终用户的不相关性: The question of who is receiving an export 项 is often confused with the question of what it’s being used for. An 项’s 分类 doesn’t generally change based on the identity of buyers 和 end-users.

The sale of certain 项s may be restricted depending on the buyer or end-user, 但这些决定是在分类过程之后做出的. [参见相关文章: 筛选被拒绝或受限制当事人的最佳做法; 和 了解各种限制派对名单.]

理解定义: There are a lot of 项s 在美国SML 和 创新领导力 that are accompanied by notes that use seemingly simple terms that carry specific technical definitions. 理解这些很重要.

例如,当条目中描述的项目使用 定义术语“特别设计”,它可能会触发额外的控制措施. [要了解更多皇冠365app下载这个主题,ECTI提供了一个短期课程 ITAR/耳朵特别设计.]

因此,如果您认为您已经确定了一个项目的正确规格, be sure to read the notes 和 underst和 the specific definition of all the terminology used. 除了, 如果一个项目似乎属于多个ecns或段落, 您通常会应用ECCN或具有最严格控制的段落. 耳朵中提供了这些定义 §772.1 在第120部分中, ITAR的C部分.

检查对材料的单独限制ITAR和耳朵都对指定材料进行管制. The material itself – whether in raw form or sometimes in a further processed condition – can trigger controls. This is especially the case for materials that may be hazardous or have applications in sensitive industries – such as chemicals or biological agents. 所以检查材料本身的分类总是明智的.

4. 如果有疑问,就去问政府

Both the ITAR 和 the 耳朵 offer processes by which you can ask the government to issue a decision on an 项’s 分类.

这不应该是起点. 这不是强制性的,你应该自己做决定, 将这些过程作为最后的手段.

但是,如果你已经尽了最大的努力对一个项目进行分类,但你仍然不确定, 这是一条消除不确定性的道路. It’s also justified if you’ll be exporting an 项 purchased from another party, 和 you’re not confident in the 分类 information that party has provided.

在ITAR中,它被称为a 商品管辖权请求. 国务院会审查这类请求 公布部分结果; 你的问题可能会在之前的案例中得到解决.

如果你向法院申请, 收到回复可能需要90天左右, 会确认某项物品是否受《皇冠365app下载》规管.

如果它不受ITAR的约束, the State Department sometimes provides the 项’s correct 分类 under the 耳朵 – but you can’t count on that.

如问题不在于某项目是否受《皇冠365官方app》规管, 而是如何在耳朵下进行分类, 您需要对耳朵执行类似的过程, 在哪里叫a 商品分类申请 直接通过国际清算银行 SNAP-R门户网站提交. 该规定规定,国际清算银行将在14天内答复此类请求.

5. 记录你的工作

作为民事问题,违反出口管制规定要承担严格的责任. 错误的分类可能会造成昂贵的代价,即使是无意的. Thorough documentation of the 分类 process is the best way to mitigate that risk.

没有规定的方法或格式, but you want to be able to demonstrate the steps you took to reach a conclusion.

你可以起草一份备忘录,详细说明这个过程的每一步, 或者在带有评论的电子表格中跟踪它, 备注和调查结果.

Helpful information includes the rationale behind each decision; a citation of the relevant rule or paragraph in the regulations; who made the decision 和 who approved it. 如果您从第三方收到分类信息, 把它写下来,并添加到文档文件中.

This level of care won’t provide a guarantee against the consequences of an error, but it will demonstrate that you’ve taken reasonable care 和 can head off escalation of a case by the government.



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斯科特Gearity 是ECTI公司的总裁.
